Process for installing Dualsun

How do I contact Dualsun?
Access MyDualsun , a tool that will help you to obtain a complete and personalized energy and economic balance sheet. If you wish, you will be called...
What are the steps of a Dualsun installation?
Are you wondering what the steps for the installation of our hybrid solar panels are? Here is a simple explanation of what is needed to install Dualsu...
Who is my main contact for my solar project?
The Dualsun authorized installer. Dualsun, as the designer and manufacturer of hybrid solar panels, supplies its panels through its distributors to i...
Can an installer meet with me before my house is built?
Yes. It is obviously possible to contact an installer before the construction of your house to discuss and plan what is needed for the installation o...
What qualifications are necessary to install Dualsun panels in France?
The general safety requirements for various electrical workers are as follows. For rooftop installers it is necessary:   In France for both SPRING and...
Can I visit a Dualsun installation in operation?
No , it is not possible to visit a Dualsun installation,  but you can consult our blog describing some of our installations: Dualsun installations ar...
Does DualSun offer any batteries?
No , there are no batteries in the DualSun catalog.   We do not sell batteries , but you can connect batteries to DualSun panels, there are no compat...