Are Dualsun SPRING panels compatible with ESE Solar's Ecopression solar tank?


Yes, Dualsun SPRING hybrid panels are compatible with the range of Ecopression solar tanks from ESE Solar.

Balloons pre-equipped with a solar station with pre-programmed solar regulation are compatible with our hybrid solar panels:

  • The activation condition (based on the temperature difference between the solar collectorsTc and the bottom of the Ecopression balloonTb) is similar to our recommendations.

  • The deactivation condition (based on the temperature difference between the inlet Tin and the exitTb of the solar thermal exchanger) - different from our recommendations - is compatible with our solar circuit.


The temperature sensor contained in our essential kits is essential for the correct installation of our panels with this range of solar panels, it is to be wired to S1 solar regulation of pre-assembled solar stations.


For further : Which solar hot water tanks to use with Dualsun? 




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