Certifications & Patents

What are the certifications of Dualsun panels?
All Dualsun panels are certified according to the European standards IEC (for the photovoltaic part) and Solar Keymark (for the thermal part). Find Du...
Do the Dualsun panels have EUPD Top Brand PV label?
YES, in 2021, 2022 and 2023 Dualsun have been honored to receive the Top Brand PV label from EUPD certification . > If you want to know more about ...
Is Dualsun a member of SOREN (former PV CYCLE)?
Yes, Dualsun is a member of SOREN as attested by our French membership certificate .   SOREN manages the collection and recycling of solar panels at...
Is the Dualsun SPRING panel manufacturing site ISO 9001 certified?
Yes.  We are proud to assemble the SPRING entirely in France, at an ISO 9001-certified factory.  The ISO 9001 certificate can be downloaded here (fren...
Are Dualsun panels patent-protected?
Yes we have 10 patent families (with 30 patents in total!) that protect the key innovations of the Dualsun panels (in France, Europe, United States, C...
Does Dualsun panels certification include hail tests?
Our panels are all certified at least according to the IEC 61215:2016 standard which requires resistance to the fall of a hailstone 25mm in diameter a...
Are Dualsun panels certified anti-PID?
Dualsun solar panels are tested according to the IEC 62804 standard (96h; +/-1000Vdc; 85%RH; 85°C). Our panels are considered "PID-Free" , since accor...
What is the fire resistance of the Dualsun FLASH panel?
Our Dualsun FLASH modules are certified "Class C" as indicated by their IEC certificate .  The IEC 61730-2 standard describes the requirements for ...
Do Dualsun panels have MCS certification for the UK?
Dualsun FLASH and SPRING panels fulfill all the conditions to obtain the English MCS certification thanks to their double certification IEC and Solar ...
Are the Dualsun panels certified in Australia ?
Yes, the following Dualsun panels are certified by the Clean Energy Council (CEC) and can be installed in Australia : Dualsun SPRING 400 shingle Dual...
Are Dualsun panels compliant with CE regulations?
Yes , as required by the law.In fact, the European authorities define for a set of consumer products safety rules to be respected in order to be pla...
Are DualSun panels certified in the United States and Canada ?
Yes ! Most of the Dualsun SPRING and FLASH panels are certified in the United States and Canada for both the solar photovoltaic standard UL 61730 and ...
What is the salt spray test on Dualsun solar panels?
Solar panels installed in coastal areas are particularly exposed to humid and salty atmospheric conditions. To verify and certify the resistance of Du...
Are the certificates of Dualsun panels issued by an accredited certification body?
Yes, The IEC 61215 and IEC 61730 certifications of Dualsun FLASH panels have been issued by the TÜV SÜD laboratory, itself ISO/IEC 17065 certifi...