Are Dualsun panels compatible with the ESDEC - FlatFix Wave Plus fixing system?


Yes, and this compatibility has been certified by an independent Control Office which issued a New Technique Survey (ETN) to confirm it. 

Most Dualsun panels are therefore compatible with the ESDEC - FlatFix Wave Plus system:  

  • Types of roof: terrace roof

  • Certification: Dualsun panels SPRING and FLASH are integrated into the ETN No.  n°L.21.06011

  • Installation methods: Landscape 

You can also consult the documents made available on the manufacturer's website.

Recommendations for installing modules SPRING

Affected modules

Technical name

Commercial name

DSTNxxxG1-360SBB5 (xxx=370-400)

DSTIxxxG1-360SBB5 (xxx=370-400)

SPRING 375 Shingle Black Insulated and Non-Insulated

SPRING 400 Shingle Black Insulated and Non-Insulated

Installation system

ESDEC FlatFix Wave



Panel orientation

Installation method




Non compatible

Compatible isolated version and not
isolated: Landscape connections

Installation of panels

In addition to the recommendations listed below, you can refer to the system installation manual available on the ESDEC website.

1- Positioning of the rails

The space between the rails is 1150 mm

2- Positioning of the panels

The edges of the panels are 250 mm from the center of the rails.

Position of the panel relative to the rails

3- Installation of panels 

  • Place the hydraulic connections between the rail studs

  • Install the panels as indicated in the installation manual. The presence of transverse rear bars and insulators on the panels SPRING does not require any special recommendations

  • Connect the DualQuickfit fittings under the panels

Installation of the panel on the high base element

Bside of the panel under the top base element clips

High base element after fixing

Low base element after fixing

4- Installation of wind deflectors

Upper part

Cut a 40*60 mm window 100 mm from the edge

Back side

Front side

Lower part

Cut a 40*60 mm window 90 mm from the edge

Front side

Protection of the (sharp) edges of the cut-out area of ​​the deflectors

  • Install the wind deflectors by passing the connections through the cut-out windows

  • Install a protective sheath over the cut-out area of ​​the deflector to avoid damaging the hydraulic hose.

  • Installation of sheath necessary on the 3 edges (sharp)

Connection coming out of the deflector

To learn more about Dualsun solar panel mounting systems on a roof And  installation systems under ETN certificates with Dualsun panels

To consult the Dualsun panel compatibilities SPRING and FLASH with installation systems.

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