Are the Dualsun SPRING panels compatible with the K2 - D-Dome 6.10 & S-Dome 6.10 mounting systems ?


Yes, and this compatibility has been attested to by an independent Control Office which has issued a B Roof T3 classification report to confirm this.

This classification is necessary for the implementation of photovoltaic projects on ICPE and ERP buildings.

An NTI certificate is also pending.

Most Dualsun panels are therefore compatible with the K2 - D-Dome 6.10 & S-Dome 6.10 :  

  • Types of roofing: Flat roof

  • Certification: 

    • Dualsun SPRING and FLASH panels are integrated into the ETN No. EFR-22-003079

    • Dualsun SPRING and FLASH panels are going to be integrated to a NTI certificate (in French)

  • Modes: Landscape



You can also consult the documents available on the manufacturer's website

For more details about the installation of Dualsun panels on the roof: What mounting system can be used to install Dualsun SPRING panels on roofs ?

To see the compatibility of Dualsun SPRING and FLASH panels with the installation systems: Compatibility table

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