Are DualSun SPRING panels compatible with Remeha RemaSOL water heater ?


Yes, DualSun SPRING panels can be used with Remeha RemaSOL ranges (with pre-assembled solar station) and RemaSOL SI (without pre-assembled solar station):

  • an immersed heat exchanger is located in the lower position of the tank

  • there is an available location to add a temperature sensor (S2 solar regulation probe)

  • there is an integrated boiler backup in the tank located above the solar exchanger


For the factory-prepared versions with a solar station (RemaSOL SI), we invite you to check the factory settings of the integrated solar regulation:

  • Temperature difference for activation between the sensors and the bottom of the tank = 6

  • Temperature difference for deactivation between the sensors and the bottom of the tank = 2

>To go further: Which thermodynamic water heaters are compatible with DualSun SPRING panels?