Technical advantages
What is the average annual production of a Dualsun SPRING panel ?
First, the production of the installation as a whole should be considered, not a single panel. It is the installation in its entirety that will produc...
Why choose DualSun over solar PV and solar thermal (two side-by-side installations)?
Dualsun presents multiple advantages including rooftop space, efficiency, design and cost! First, Dualsun panels, due to their innovative and patented...
How does the thermal efficiency of a Dualsun panel compare to that of a conventional solar thermal module?
In terms of thermal efficiency, Dualsun SPRING hybrid panels are different from conventional solar thermal panels. The main difference lies in the f...
What is the photovoltaic production gain with Dualsun SPRING panels?
First of all, it is important to note that most photovoltaic panels are designed to withstand temperatures of – 40°C to + 85°C and can therefore excee...