Are Dualsun panels compatible with the IRFTS EASY ROOF EVOLUTION M-1 mounting system?
Yes, the Dualsun FLASH panels are compatible with the EASY ROOF EVOLUTION M-1 system from IRFTS. This compatibility has been attested by an independent Control Office which has issued a New Technology Investigation (NTI) to confirm it.
Roof type: In-roof mounting
Certification: DualSun Flash panels are integrated in ETN L17.CC0137
Possible layouts: Landscape
You can also consult the documents of the EASY ROOF EVOLUTION system available on the IRFTS website and watch the IRFTS EASY ROOF EVOLUTION video which details the assembly steps of this in-roof installation system.
For more details about the installation of Dualsun panels on roofs : What mounting systems can be used to install Dualsun SPRING panels on roofs?
To view the compatibility of Dualsun SPRING and FLASH panels with in-roof mounting systems: SPRING compatible mounting systems – In Roof Mounting