Are Dualsun panels compatible with the JORIS IDE RS-R mounting system?


Yes, the Dualsun FLASH and SPRING panels are compatible with the JORIS IDE RS-R mounting system. This compatibility has been attested by an independent Control Office which has issued a New Technology Investigation (NTI) to confirm it. 

  • Roof types: Trapezoidal sheet, sandwich panel

  • Certification : Dualsun SPRING and FLASH panels are integrated in ETN L19.04386

  • Possible layouts: Portrait and Landscape



You can also consult the documents available on the JORIS IDE website for the RS-R system.

For more details about the installation of Dualsun panels on the roof : What mounting systems can be used to install DualSun Spring panels on roofs? 

To consult the compatibility of Dualsun SPRING and FLASH panels with over-imposition installation systems: Compatible mounting systems – Super-imposition




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