What is the maximum allowable flow rate of Dualsun panels?
To determine the maximum allowable flow rate of Dualsun hybrid panels SPRING4 or SPRING3, we distinguish two types of installations:
Direct pool systems
Possible only with SPRING3. Maximum allowable flow = 400 L/h/panel
Pressurized systems
The question of the maximum admissible flow rate of Dualsun SPRING mainly at the time of hydraulic commissioning in a pressurized system.
Indeed, it is very important to properly purge the air trapped in the hydraulic circuit when filling, to guarantee proper operation of the installation. This is to avoid cavitation of the hydraulic circulation pump.
To properly purge the air at the time of filling we rather talk about minimum flow:
200 L/h/panel in portrait
250 L/h/panel in landscape
These flow rates can be exceeded as long as the inlet pressure at the panels does not exceed 2 bars for SPRING3 and 6 bars for SPRING4, and only for as long as necessary to purging the air.
The number of panels that can be connected in series on the same branch is limited to 6 so as not to exceed this filling pressure.
Final filling pressure must be adjusted so as not to exceed 1,5 bars in the panels.
Reminder: The pressure controlled by the operator at the time of filling is the pressure displayed on the installation pressure gauge. It is therefore necessary to take into account the head of the installation.
Filling pressure for air purging:
Pequipment rooml = Ppanels + Hinstallation/10 [bars]
To go further : What are the pressure losses of the Dualsun SPRING panel?