Presentation of the MyDualsun solar simulator


What is MyDualsun?

MyDualsun is a solar project simulator accessible to all and very easy to use.

It allows everyone interested in our Dualsun solar panels to be able to simulate, without any particular prerequisites.

Thanks to this personalized solar study, you will be able to obtain clear answers:

  • Does my roof allow me to install Dualsun?

  • Do I have enough sun in my area?

  • How much will it cost me and how much will it bring me?

  • Am I entitled to state aid?

How does the MyDualsun app work?

As an installer or end customer, the simulator will have different functionalities. In any case, you will be able to take 3 simple steps to simulate a Dualsun project worldwide!

  1. You indicate the information of your Dualsun project: Name of the project, type of building, address

  2. You define the characteristics of your roof: The dimensions of your roof can be measured using the integrated Google Maps tool.

3 - Choose the offer you want to install:

  • Photovoltaic electricity thanks to our panel Dualsun FLASH

  • Domestic hot water and electricity thanks to our panel Dualsun SPRING

  • Pool heating and electricity(simulation option available only for installers)

Our calculation tool analyzes the data you have entered and will provide you with a complete simulation of your project.

How to read the results of your MyDualsun study?

The result looks like this:

  • Sizing of the installation: You will find the number and power of panels recommended for your project.

For more information on thefunctioning of our calculation engine and thehypotheses taken taken into account for the sizing we invite you to consult the section on how MyDualsun sizing works: Article about MyDualsun dimensioning 


  • Profitability of your installation and economic gain from this installation over 25 years.

For more information on how our calculation engine works and hypotheses taken into account for the costing we invite you to consult the section on the economic calculations carried out on MyDualsun: How does the MyDualsun economy block works ?


  • 3 Examples of electricity bills showing savings from self-consumption and the gain from the sale of surplus electricity produced.

  • CO Economies2 : Tons of CO2 saved over 25 years. This calculation takes into account the entire life cycle of each piece of equipment associated with your project.

If you are an end customer: How to contact an approved Dualsun installer?

After simulating your project and entering your details, theThe next step is to get in touch with one of our approved installers.

Do you already have a quote for a solar installation? Put it in competition via the application!

As soon as we have found the most competent installer to carry out your project, we will send them your information so that they can contact you as quickly as possible. VYou will also receive their contact details simultaneously with the connection.

Throughout your project we will stay in touch to ensure it goes smoothly!


Do I have to pay for the study of the solar project?

No. The simulation of your solar project on MyDualsun is completely free.

What options for collective projects?

For a more complex solar project study (pool heating, collective housing, etc.), the study is carried out on a case-by-case basis. We invite you to fill out a form here:


Can I size a Dualsun solar installation myself?

Yes. You can size a Dualsun solar installation using the online software MyDualsun. With the data that you have entered during your simulation, the software will carry out a sizing study for your solar installation for you, according to the criteria that we have deemed optimal.

Sizing a solar installation yourself is now very easy and very quick with MyDualsun, start your online study without delay and consult the personalized result!